Software License and Downloads

By using any of our software demos you accept this limited license. You will not sell, decompile or in any way try to determine the code or techniques used to create any of these software solutions. To do so is a violation of the copyright, and damages can be assessed by a court of law for any breach of this agreement! There are no implied warranties or guarantees with this demo, or with any of our software products. Medical Databases is not responsible for any damages or loss of income caused by using any of our software products. These works are copyrighted and protected by applicable law! Do not download any demos if you disagree with this software license!

Computer System Requirements to use our demos...

Macintosh OS Computers Leopard and Higher

Windows XP/Vista/7

Macintosh Files are stuffit files (some self extracting)
Windows files are self-running installers!

Title, Platform and File Size

File Description

Windows Demo
Macintosh Demo
Software manual

The demos of Optical Shop Software™2010 use a runtime version of FileMaker Pro and are mostly functional and limited to 50 patients and 50 optical orders. Data you enter here can be used if you purchase the full software! You MUST read the license agreement to learn the "UserName" and "Password to log-in!" Do not forget to also download the manual! We cannot service users outside the United States and Canada (sorry)! With the Macintosh demo, "unzip" the file first then run the Self Extracting Archive, and put the demo folder on your Hard Drive! The software manual comes over as "" and unzips to the folder "OSS_Manual", which MUST be placed at the root level on your hard drive (Macintosh HD or C:). Do not bury this folder someplace where no one can ever find it!


Windows Demo

The demos of The Dispenser™2010 use a runtime version of FileMaker Pro and is mostly functional and limited to 50 patients and 50 prescriptions. Data you enter here can be used if you purchase the full software! You MUST read the license agreement to learn the "UserName" and "Password to log-in!" Do not forget to also download the manual! We cannot service users outside the United States and Canada (sorry)! With the Macintosh demo, "unzip" the file first then run the Self Extracting Archive, and put the demo folder on your Hard Drive!


The Scheduler2010

The demos of The Scheduler™2010 are arriving any day patient!



The PracticeMaker® v11 demo will be available soon. Just as with our other software products, each database is being redesigned from the ground up.


Medicare Fee Schedule

This database is supplied
as is and there is no support
for this database except for
current users.

This database includes the entire 2001 through 2007 Medicare fee schedule for Pennsylvania (Area 01). The database requires FileMaker Pro 5.5 or 6.0. The file is zipped and can be opened on both Windows and Macintosh computers. For PracticeMaker®5 users, data can be transferred into the Reimbursement module to assist you in automated posting!

© 1996 to 2012 Scott Zeigen, M.D. All Rights Reserved.